Think! It's Patriotic!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
World War III? This is no joke!
So I was watching CNN yesterday when I got home and I found it incredibly alarming that WWIII was plastered all over the broadcast on the An...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Am I Unamerican?
Death and Taxes
A clip from the TV show: Boston Legal The first Amendment allows the people to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances, and what...
Economic State Of The Union
[Note: Written on 3/20/06~ Update Below] Just a Precaution Today is March 20th, and for those that keep up with World Events, this day marks...
Introspection As anyone that really knows me may recall, growing up I was quite the bookworm. My family circumstances being what they were,...
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