Tuesday, April 18, 2006

End Of Days?

I have of late been studying many subjects. Besides the New World Order, the Federal Reserve System, US and World Politics, secret societies, the great banking families of the world (including the Rothschilds), US and World History (above what the common textbooks filter out), Astronomy, Ancient Civilizations and their theology and religions, reading the Bible, sacred geometry, string theory, weather manipulation and control, quantum physics, I have just recently looked into the stories and of the Ancient Mayan civilization and their calendar, and this has brought many threads of my research together to form one amazingly entangled web of possibilities..Today I feel like a philosopher of sorts.

Some of my recent reading:
*Is Earth in a Vortex of Space Time?
*2012- The Astronomy Connection
*The Mayan Calendar
*The Sacred Tree
*The Sun is On The Cross

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In this last article, the author contends that the true center of the Sun on the Milky Way's equator is the Spring Equinox of 1998, or 3/23/98 (not surprising to see the number 23 when the Masons hold this number so close to their heart), (not 2012), but realizes that this "age" is the dawn of the "Age of Aquarius", as we pass from the "Age of Pisces." A brief study of what these symbols represent throughout all of the ancient cultures will tell you what this will mean for us...that we are entering into an age of technology, of thought, and in so doing, are beginning to see the benefits of a global socialist community. This is to be the "Age of Enlightenment" and I feel this coming of age within my soul.

Others believe the true center of the cross, this amazing event, to fall on 12/21/2012 (or as written in the Mayan long count calendar, falling on the Winter Solstice). Why am I so interested in the year 2012 and the "End of Days"? Most believe this to be the most accurate date. This is the point that the Sun will pass over the equator of the
Milky Way, bringing us in line with the blackhole beneath our solar system (which the Mayans believe to be both the road to the underworld and the great creator, river of life, or womb, and also death), this is the end date provided for in the ancient Mayan calendar, said to be the most accurate calendar on Earth, born of an ancient civilization that was decimated by an unknown assailant. The energies that would take place on this occurrence could be amazing. At the same time, our sun will switch poles again (this occurs every 11 years), and as we currently have a very stable relationship (the Earth's axis and the Sun's South Pole), this event may throw the balance of the Earth's axis off. The Earth's axis is constantly in a state of "wobble" dealing with pressures exerted by the Sun. This may cause the Earth's current axis to shift, destabilizing the poles we have now, which may explain as we enter closer to this anomaly of the heavens the strange aurora's being experienced outside of the north pole region, as far south as California and Florida, of late, for which the scientists have no explanation for. It may explain the unusual and amazing solar activity within the last few years. It may explain the continued melting of the polar ice caps, which is causing the oceans of the World to rise (it is worthy to note that Aquarius is most symbolized as a man with a cup that pours out the rivers, denoting the coming of the time of a great flood, when the worlds waters rise). It may explain the strange weather activity, the massive earthquakes, and amazing hurricane season this year, and more.

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And this is only the beginning, as we quickly approach 2012. A friend recently wrote that the last seven years, as prophesied in Revelations, are upon us, and this year we will see the date 06.06.06 of the new century, which will represent the rise of the false prophet, or the anti-Christ so to speak, upon the Earth. Technologies such as the RFID implantable chip I have long foreseen to become the "mark of the beast" to be implanted within our right hands, and the upcoming National ID Card to be unveiled with the same technology (RFID Chip) is a precursor to the chip being implanted, and as in Revelations, no citizen will be able to conduct trade or financial transactions without it. Do not take this chip, for the Bible foretells that any who do will be subjected to the fiery tortures of hell on earth in the end times, these could very well be the same tortures that would be inflicted with the change of the energies in our solar system when the sun is "on the cross" of the milky way, to be concluded, and a new age entered, on 12/21/2012. The Mayan legends run parallel to the Bibles foretelling of the final battle between Satan and our Lord, and that it is this celestial event that allows Satan to rise from Hell to wage this battle.

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The powers that be are insistent in issuing in the "New World Order", the dawn of the new age of men, where all will be ruled together under an elect few for the so-called good of mankind. The Bible foretells of the reign of the thousand years of peace after the final judgment, but do not be fooled by those that would mark you, they are the messengers and advocates for Satan and would condemn your soul to hell, so that they may rule the Earth in the age to follow. Do not listen to the false prophets as we are advised of in the Bible. I cannot and will not follow any that would mark me. The technology that tracks these RFID chips is amazingly called Digital Angel.

Some believe that as the Sun passes over the equator, this will present the time when "Satan" will rise up from the blackhole (hell) and battle God once again for rule of the heavens, and though God has foretold that he will win and we will have peace in the aftermath, the peoples of the world will endure amazing tribulations while this battle is waged, and there may be some, especially the anti-Christ and the false prophets before him, that will attempt to lure us over to Satan's side, to direct our energies to his cause.

World events are reaching a climax that will soon deliver us into this socialist society where the people of the world will truly only be human capital, or slaves, to those that rule us, if left unchecked. The disappearance of the middle class is only a small indicator of this. During this coming time, we will all be equal in our squalor. Two world wars have already been manipulated by those that run the World Banks, and a third is quickly approaching, in which I believe we will see the downfall of America and more importantly Americans, entering into a depression the likes of which make the last one seem trivial. A third world war, started with us or Israel attacking Iran, could be the catalyst of deliverance into this time, and I believe will be the signal and mirror image also of the beginning of the final battle of the gods. We must do what we can to ensure that this war here on Earth does not take place. We must do ALL WE CAN to stop this. This will not stop the war of the gods I believe, but it will ensure that many of our souls remain on Earth after the day of final judgment comes. It will ensure your survival in the coming age.

The people in power on this earth are quickly trying and my already have the ability to harness and wield the power of weather control, to use electromagnetic energy to manipulate the upper ionosphere of the Earth (HAARP), perhaps to keep these events (major weather and the changing of the earths axis) at bay, or to wield them in the name of the beast, which is unknown.

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We are entering into strange times, the likes of which have not been seen for approximately half a million years, and will be the first man on this Earth will experience.

I am sorry if this writing may seem a little haphazard at present, they are my thoughts, and though many subjects are presented (space, technology, politics, religion, et al.), it is because I believe the current state of affairs is all encompassing. It touches every aspect of our lives. Knowledge is power, certainly, and the knowledge of these many subjects and the way they interact and form the larger picture seems to me to be a true revelation of the events to come and their effects on you and me. Each of these subjects are only touched upon but briefly here, and I commend you for reading even so long a passage as this, if you have made it this far. If you would like additional information about the subjects herein, feel free to message me and I will provide you with a myriad of resources where information on these topics can be obtained.

So what do I recommend to safeguard yourselves and those you love in the coming times? Keep your mind sharp, educate yourself, do not fall prey to the false prophets and turn your heart to hate of any kind, do not take the mark of the beast in your right hand, do not allow the war on Earth to occur, and above all keep love in your heart and mind at all times. So Mote It Be. Amen.

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